Online Dating and Romantic Matches for the ISTJ personality type
ISTJ personality types occur in 11.6% of the population. While there are 16 MBTI/Jung personality types, only a few of them have high compatibility with online dating and romance. Here are four highly compatible personality types for the ISTJ and one personality type they will find challenging.

How to define the ISTJ Personality Type? It stands for Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment
I – Introversion rather than Extraversion:
ISTJs tend to be quiet and reserved. They generally prefer interacting with a few close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances, and they expend energy in social situations (whereas extroverts gain energy).
S – Sensing rather than Intuition:
ISTJs tend to be more concrete than abstract. They focus their attention on the details rather than the big picture and immediate realities rather than future possibilities.
T – Thinking rather than Feeling:
ISTJs tend to value objective criteria above personal preference or sentiment. When making decisions, they generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations.
J – Judgment rather than Perception:
ISTJs tend to approach life in a structured way, rather than keeping options open and flexibly changing without accommodating to their structured world with discretion.
Relationship compatibility, great matches for the ISTJ personality type
ISTJs are realists who honour tradition and standard operating procedures. Their motto is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” They excel in understanding detailed traditions and historical or practical information. ISTJs have very little tolerance for spin or drama and don’t beat around the bush, which is a perspective not always welcomed by more sensitive companions. ISTJs are at their best in quietly and firmly sticking to rules and ensuring that rules are followed.
So what personality types are good matches for the ISTJ personality type?
Well, there are 16 personality types in the Jung-Briggs system, and under that framework, these personality types should be on your short-list.
Here are four great matches for someone with the ISTJ personality type
The ISTJ and ISFJ couple:
These two, ISTJ and ISFJ practical types will get on well. In social situations, though the ISTJ should defer to their partner’s more refined social awareness.
The ISTJ and ESTJ couple:
Practical and well suited. The ESTJ might be bossy, but the ISTJ will be quietly intransigent.
The ISTJ and ISTJ couple:
These two will have a mutual understanding of how the world works but may differ in their interests. They may also experience differences on which rules and regulations are important, with each refusing to compromise. Generally, though, they will get on very well.
The ISTJ and ESFJ couple:
Practical and well suited. The ESFJ will crave social interaction, while the ISTJ will probably need lots of quiet time pursuing hobbies or other interests..
The ISTJ is likely to find the ENFP a very challenging personality type in relationships
The ENFP tends to start but not finish projects; they are also gregarious. This will not work with the ISTJ who prefers a quiet and organized life.
What does it mean for the ISTJ type?
Out of the sixteen personalities, the ISTJ personality type is the most compatible with the ISFJs, ESTJs, ISTJs, and ESFJs. In romantic relationships, these personality types become natural companions to the ISTJ.
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