Dating and Matchmaking compatibility for the ESTP personality type
The ESTP personality type occurs in 4.3% of the population. ESTPs are natural leaders in crisis situations as they are highly attuned to the environment around them. They are found in sporting teams, armed forces and other active pursuits where one has to “think on one’s feet”. While there are 16 MBTI/Jung personality types, not all are compatible when it comes to romance. Here are four highly compatible personality types for online dating and matchmaking and one personality type they will find challenging. Use this guide to help find your perfect soulmate for a healthy relationship based on personality compatibility

Understand your ESTP personality type. ESTP stands for Extroversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment
E – Extraversion rather than Introversion:
ESTPs tend to be extrovert. They generally prefer interacting with a wide circle of acquaintances rather than a few close friends, and they feel energized in social situations (whereas Introverts feel a little bit uncomfortable entering a room filled with new people).
S – Sensing rather than Intuition:
ESTPs tend to be more concrete than abstract. They focus their attention on the details rather than the big picture and on immediate realities rather than future possibilities.
T – Thinking rather than Feeling:
ESTPs tend to value objective criteria above personal preference or sentiment. When making decisions they generally give more weight to logic than to social considerations.
P – Perception rather than Judgment:
ESTPs tend to approach life in a less structured way, keeping options open and flexibly changing.
Relationship compatibility, great matches for the ESTP personality type
ESTPs are naturally easy negotiators and can be risk-takers. They love action, tend to ignore protocol, procedures and customs. In the ESTP's world there are no “non-negotiables”. They work well in crisis situations and thrive in jobs or pursuits that involve action. Because they instinctively react in a crisis situation (and readily adapt materials and available personnel) they will find themselves spontaneously taking a leadership role even though they have not sought one.
So what personality types are some good matches for the ESTP personality type?
Well there are 16 personality types in the Jung-Briggs system, and under that framework, these personality types should be on your short-list.
Here are four great matches for someone with the ESTP personality type
The ESTP and ISTP couple:
Both these types value freedom and spontaneity. The ESTP will enjoy active team activities, while the ISTP also enjoys action they are more comfortable without a crowd.
The ESTP and ESFP couple:
ESFPs and ESTPs are two gregarious and practical types will share an active lifestyle and work well together.
The ESTP and ESTP couple:
Both these people value freedom and spontaneity. They will enjoy active team pursuits.
The ESTP and ISFP couple:
Both these types value freedom and spontaneity. The ESFP is a natural performer and life of the party, while the ISFP prefers a more quiet existence.
The ESTP is likely to find the INFJ a very challenging personality type in relationships
The ESTP is very spontaneous, gregarious and responds to the here and now. The INFJ with the quiet and contemplative attitude will not find this relationship a comfortable one.
What does it mean for the ESTP type?
Out of the sixteen personalities, the ESTP personality type is the most compatible with the ESFPs, ISTPs, ESTPs, and ISFPs. In romantic relationships, these personality types become natural companions to the ESTP.
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